Saturday, August 25, 2007

We're on our way to China!

Our Consulate appointment was squeezed in on September 25, along with 7 other families from our agency, so we now have dates and traveling companions. We'll depart 9/11, arrive Beijing 9/12, see the sights, travel to Xian on the 16th, FAMILY DAY - 9/17, on to Guangzhou on the 21st and home on the 27th. There are two other families going to Xian with us. I was seized with the urge to clean - Lela's room looks great and Lian's clothes are all ready to pack. I got a quote from one travel agent, yikes. I'm going to check with another tomorrow. Because Jamie had taken his mom to Canada to visit family and they didn't have the cell phone turned on I couldn't even tell him the news until he called last night. Let the making of lists commence, to climax in screaming panic over where the tickets are half way to the airport. But I'm much better once I get on the plane. Where did I leave my tranquilizers?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congrats on such great news!

Mother's Day

Last spring while riding the train home from the city where I had just handed in the last of Lian's paperwork, I had nothing to do since I had gone through all my reading material while waiting at the Chinese Embassy. I got out a notepad and this poem started to flow and practically wrote itself. Adoption can be bittersweet as there is no gain without a loss.

Lian on left in yellow

Lian on left in yellow
about 14 months, with her friend Hailey

Lian at 6 months

Lian at 6 months
Who could resist that smile?

Lian at 4 months

Lian at 4 months
Right after surgery for her lip

Sha'anxi Province Map

Sha'anxi Province Map
HanZhong in lower left

China Map

China Map
Sha'anxi Province in center