Family Service The Cherub Choir - Lela is peeking out from the back
Christmas Morning -Santa brought lots of goodies in the stockings
Grandma's House 9:30am Santa brought everything else to Grandma
Dress # 1, Princess Aurora
Annoyingly the pictures won't post in the order that I want, so imaging the first two are last. Xmas eve was the 5pm Family service with the kids choirs and carol sing, then back to Grandma's for dinner. Home to read "Twas the night before Xmas" and they did settle down right away. Christmas Day. I'm up as usual at 5, getting organized. Lian bangs to be let out at 7. 7:30 we wake up the princess who is still snoozing. They savage their stockings - Lela's favorite, tape - Lian's favorite, what ever she can get in her mouth. Then on to Grandma's House. Our friend Donna arrives from the city. No presents until after breakfast, then into the living room, where Santa has left a nice pile for each girl. Lian immediately decides she should have had Lela's princess rocking chair, but finally realizes the other pile is for her - all for her. Opening goes on till noon, Lian runs out of steam with several gifts left to go. She's never had a "real" Christmas with the massive overload of new toys, noise, paper, but she takes it pretty well. Jamie gets her to nap on the sofa while dinner is being prepared. Cinderella waltzes around the house, and by 3:30 we sit down to ham, green beans almondine, Brussell sprouts, salad, sweet potatoes Anna ( no sugar - just gobs of butter) rolls, and corn pudding. Followed by cheesecake and assorted candy. Finally home to bed, no bath (ignoring the candy cane stiffened hair.) As Lela said, "It's everything I ever wanted."
Hi Jennifer,
Those pictures are sooooo cute! Your kids are absolutely adorable! Good luck today with Lian's surgery. You will be in my prayers! Let me know how it goes as Geneva will probably be having surgery this summer too when she gets home.
I just figured out how to arrange the pictures on a blog a couple of months ago. When you are in edit mode and you have your pictures there, you can click, drag and then drop your picture wherever you want in the post. That way you can also create sentences you want on top or underneath each picture and then drag and drop the pictures in between the sentences where you want. Does that make sense??
I love the name Lian! We are trying to decide on a name for Geneva and I really would like a name that goes with Landon since she is just 5 days older than him. We have several non-L names and our "L" names are Delaney (Laney) and Lacey. But Lian would work great too!! It is my husband's turn to choose, so I will have to see what he thinks of Lian. If he can't decide, I will just have to pick a name myself!!
Amy in Arizona
Anxiously awaiting "Geneva" List 19
Ya know, I should probably look around a little before I go and comment!! How did you get the words underneath your pictures? Is there another way other than clicking and dragging that I don't know about? I am still a "newbie" at blogging and I know there is a lot that I haven't figured out!!
Amy in Arizona
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